It's Harvest Time Somewhere...

#Harvest2023: South America Edition

It may not be 5 o'clock, but it certainly is harvest time somewhere! South American countries including Argentina and Brazil are gearing up for the spring harvest of corn and soybeans. There has been massive interest in our autonomous harvest loss monitoring technology in South America, and we're thrilled to have the opportunity to bring the value of Farmwave to farmers around the world. 

Image Source: USDA Foreign Agricultural Service

Our contacts in South America are excited to bring agricultural technology to their operations. Some farmers are managing over 1 million hectares, or nearly 2.5 million acres, and ag tech can play a big part in making these massive farms more efficient as well as easier to run. Farmwave's autonomous harvest loss software can be monitored remotely to ensure the success of each combine operator throughout the harvesting season.

South American Agriculture

The two countries that will be visited by the Farmwave crew are some of the leading producers of corn and soybeans in the world. For corn production by weight, Brazil came in 3rd in 2022, with Argentina not far behind in 5th. The United States ranked number 1 for corn production in 2022. Brazil was first in soybean production in 2022, closely followed by the United States (2nd), and Argentina (3rd) (USDA Foreign Agricultural Service).

Farmwave CEO Craig Ganssle & COO Brian Wiersma will be traveling to Buenos Aires, Cordoba, and Rio Cuarto, Argentina as well as São Paulo and São José do Rio Preto, Brazil in May 2023.

But wait, there's more!

In addition to helping Argentinian and Brazilian farmers, the ability for our team to collect more data in corn and soybeans before the North American harvest season means our loss estimation models will be even better. The sheer number of acres harvested on South American farms allows for bulk data collection, and the harvest timing gives our developers plenty of time to work this new data into improved models before #Harvest2023 in the United States and Canada.

Watch our socials for updates from the field from Argentina and Brazil.

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About Farmwave

Farmwave is a seasoned team of visionaries, engineers, designers, and strategists working to put our advanced AI technology to practical use in agriculture. We design, develop, and deploy the world’s most capable intelligent computer models with the power to add value from human-centric data autonomously, and in real-time.

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Farmwave Inc.
+1 (706) 250-0066