Answers to some of the more common questions we get asked. Regardless, we're here to connect, learn more about your business, and answer any questions you might have.

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What is the "Farmbook"?

The Farmbook is a custom dedicated AI edge machine. It's a machine dedicated to running AI tasks, and even learning, at the edge.

Your entire farm operation is a business, and it's getting more and more autonomous over time. The Farmbook is being built for the future to integrate with the machines themselves, as well as other platforms, to bring the true power of machine learning and artificial intelligence right into the cab, and in your hands ... without the need for cloud connectivity.

The possibilities are almost endless.

What is currently working in the cab to monitor harvest loss is just the beginning.

Stay tuned.

Your calculations seem way off. What gives?

We're working on simplifying our calculations, but they're often off because the operator forgets to pause, resume, or stop a session, (a session = 1 field), once they start.

In 2023, we saw many use cases where an operator started a session, finished a field, went to another, or went back to the shop to park the combine for the day, and forgot to stop the Farmwave session. This means the system kept taking pictures every 3 seconds, and if it's counting a lot or no grain at all, this will definitely impact your loss numbers and calculations.


We often get asked why we can't connect, or tie this into, the machine harvest mode. We're working on it, but this takes a lot more engineering working with the OEM's than we, or they, can handle right now, but we are looking into it.

In 2024, we'll be experimenting with a new GPS sensing feature. Here's how it will work:

Does it adjust the machine automatically?

Not yet, but we're ready for this from the AI. Right now, we are having disucssions with all the major OEM's. It will take sinificant help from their side to get the mechanical engineering and automations on the machine in step with the AI, but we're ready.

What is a session?

We consider a session a field.

Start a session when you start a new field, and stop a session when you finish that field. Should something happen in between, (e.g. machinery breakdown, stop to wait on the grain cart, etc), you can pause the session and then resume when you're going again.

Reports in farmwave.app portal are saved as sessions.

Where do I go to review my data?

Visit farmwave.app to sign into your Farmwave account.

From here you will see your systems. Click on any one of them and be taken to all the sessions for that system.


In Q1 2024, there is an entire User Interface (UI) and User Experience (UX) coming to the web dashboard. We will be making it far easier to understand and navigate, as well as tie it into the system itself. We'll also be working on connecting billing so you can see when your annual subscription is coming due, etc.

Validating Farmwave - don't overthink it.

If your idea of validating Farmwave involves getting a drop pan, throwing it out at about the exact same time as one of the cameras takes a picture, and then counting the kernels on the ground and comparing it to what is seen in that Farmwave image ... you're overthinking it.

Farmwave has never claimed to, and never will be, perfect.

As mentioned in another article in this knowledge base, we do not see underneath material other than grain (MOG).

Given it takes a picture every three seconds, there is the time interval in between where we may not see something.

There is the off chance that lighting is just a certain way, a piece of grain is just a certain way in flight or on the ground, that we miss one.

It's possible that a peanut shell, (as an example), is actually opened so it's only half the shell but in flight or on the ground it looks like a full peanut so we counted it as such therefore it's a false positive.

Farmwave, nor any other kind of AI, is perfect.

It's the trends on the graph that make the difference.

The graph is where it's at. Conditions change throughout the day, from field to field, and from crop to crop. Setting your thresholds to where you are willing to allow for loss, (because nothing is perfect), is one of the more important aspects of setting up Farmwave.

As the graph moves, it will go up if more loss is seen, and if it leaves your acceptable loss line, (the green zone), that's when you want to look at the images and see what changes can be made and where it's coming from; header or combine. When you make those changes, the graph will trend back down, letting you know that the changes you made worked!

At the very core of Farmwave, that's it!

The advantages of Farmwave are the amount of counts we do in a single acre, (140+), or even in a single day, (>20,000), without stopping the combine and having to get out of the cab. 

This is not something a human could do, as well as concurrent loss checks, when changes are made to see if they worked or not.

Farmwave is an AI-assisted tool to allow for ongoing loss checks without having to stop the combine and get out of the cab. It also adds more value compared to other loss checking devices by accounting for header loss sensing which is nonexistent today. In certain crops, such as peanuts and cotton, it is the only loss sensing technology available on the market today.

Our goal at Farmwave is to make your life and your job easier by integrating value-added technology. We want to keep it simple.

Don't overthink it.

How do you calculate harvest loss?

There's 4 areas which we look at loss:

Can I monitor operators remotely through Farmwave?

Yes and No.

In 2024 we'll be releasing the Farmbook. This will have a quick access slot for a SIM card. This allows the user to to install a SIM card for cellular access if they so choose.

*The user is responsible for the cost and monthly charges associated with the cellular carrier.

This will allow operators to invite their dealers into their account to see Farmwave live while running it during harvest.

*In 2023 we tried working with a global IoT cellular provider. It did not go well.

Because Farmwave deals in imagery, (a lot of imagery), this was gigabytes of data on a monthly basis and the average cost was going to be $4,620 per user per month. They also wanted to force us into a $500,000 annual commitment. This is not sustainable for Farmwave and definitely not a cost we were willing to pass on to our customers.

Typical consumer cellular networks, (AT&T, Verizon, T-Mobile, etc), often have data only SIM card plans you can add to your plan for $10 a month and they often allow unlimited data. We recommend going this route as it is not something we, as business, can sign up for. *please check with your local carrier for data rates.


As the size of the data package will change in 2024, we will be revisiting this. We will be looking at average data package upload requirements and potentially go back to offering an integrated cellular connectivity solution.

What crops does it work with?

Right now we have stable, accurate, AI models for:

The following are in data collection and beta stages set to release before the 2024 growing season(s).

You can also keep up to date here.

Does it advise on recommended combine changes?

Soon. We're currently working with some 30 year veteran combine operators to build out the decision tree which will advise the operator through notification alerts the recommended mechanical changes to make based on where Farmwave sees loss coming from on the machine plus a multitude of other factors, (e.g. crop, header type, header size, machine info, etc).

Can I download my data, and if so in what formats?

Yes. Right now you can download in JSON format which is very commonly accepted in most other software programs. You can also email reports and download to PDF.

You can also share, via email, reports from the farmwave.app portal to others.

In addition, you can download data in CSV format for uploading into things like Power BI, or another data analytics tool.

What do you do with my data?

We anonymize and retain copies of each image for training purposes of the AI only. Otherwise we do nothing with your data. You own it. We do not sell it, use it for marketing, or otherwise.

Why the annual license?

This maintains the licenses for all the storage and protection of your data in the cloud. 

This also includes:

**NOTE** The system may work for a period of time without an active license, but when the storage on the devices reachies its limit, it will begin to overwrite data. Access to the cloud, reports, storage, etc will not work with an expired license.

Does it see underneath material other than grain (MOG)?

No. It's not x-ray vision. However, we're counting an average of every 3-5 seconds which equals over 140 times per acre making it more accurate than a single hand count.

Farmwave has had better results in tilled environments over no till. Things really do depend on the conditions of the field, but even in a no-till environment, Farmwave can add value in real time by doing so many hand counts per acre.

What's included in a base system?

The base system includes:

Can I get Farmwave for more than one combine?

Absolutely. Pricing is per combine. So each combine will require it's own hardware and annual license fee.

What are all the components of a Farmwave system?


This is the brain and main interface of Farmwave. It is a Linux powered CPU, all-in-one touchscreen tablet.

POE Switch Disconnect

This is the Power Over Ethernet (POE) Switch. Data is sent through the switch to the Farmbook. The switch also powers the cameras and transfers data from them. In 2024, this will become all-in-one with the disconnect and be located outside the cab.

AI Cameras

These cameras are capable of 4 Trillion Operations Per Seconds, (TOPS). They're IP67 rated for outdoor and rugged use. We expect to see more development of Farmwave, on these cameras, for years to come. So, we plan on sticking with these cameras for several years.

Direct Burial Rated Cables

You systems will come with various cables of different lengths and they are labeled.

50' cable for rear camera down the left side of the machine and into the cab

35' cable for right side of header camera across to disconnect (x2 - one for each header)

25' cable for left side of header camera across to disconnect (x2 - one for each header)

20' jumper cable for left side camera from disconnect into the cab

What is NOT included?


Your Farmbook and Power Over Ethernet (POE) disconnect switch will come with power cables. Both of these run standard 110v power for which you will need an adapter depending on your make and model of combine.

We recommend a 600W pure sine wave inverter for the best results.

In 2024, the Dell Farmbook also contains a battery and can be powered, and charged, much like a phone or tablet in the cab.

Most people who work with a dealer have them install and connect directly to a power source on the power panel. This works best in most cases.


Due to the endless types of in-cab customaizations, we leave it up to you to find the best RAM mount, or Havis docking station. 

Can you explain threshold settings?

Factors to consider

Thresholds can be adjusted at anytime before starting a session.  Just select your configuration (corn, soybeans) and adjust your min/max

To best determine your minimum or GREEN threshold settings for corn and soybeans

To best determine your maximum or RED threshold settings for corn and soybeans

In the examples above, the settings for the min/max would be 5 & 10